The time to market for new technology developments has been reduced drastically. Today’s information technology capability and social media has closed the gap tremendously in terms of making potential end users aware of new products and developments. However, the process of commercialization still requires interaction with stakeholders and investors, and the development of market awareness through high visibility laboratory and field demonstration. This is an area that EEI can make a large impact.
EEI offers solutions to support new technology development, deployment and commercialization from an international perspective. EEI’s presence truly spans the globe. It’s the reason why Europe’s premier gas equipment companies choose EEI to assist with technology improvements and for our advice on pathways to market. In Asia, many of the top energy firms have sought EEI for advice and consul on market feasibility and industry trends to market their products. Our clients benefit from EEI’s expertise and creativity to customize a new technology’s fitness-for-purpose to the potential target market.
EEI recently developed a market introduction and penetration strategy for a European manufacture of a novel technology who had found great market success in Europe, but was experiencing difficulty in entering the North American market. EEI developed and planned for this manufacturer a series of demonstrations with US gas companies that demonstrated the functionality and benefits of this fitting. In another project, a British company searched for avenues to export their gas network surveillance technology. EEI matched the industry need in Mexico, and structured the business foundations for a successful Mexican & British venture.
EEI’s philosophy is that the commercial success of innovation must be anchored with strong technical underpinnings. Thanks to EEI’s extensive interaction with North American, as well as European and Asian utilities, we are at the forefront of R&D, product innovation and industry needs. EEI is also positioned to support transformational technologies and the connectivity created by the Internet of Things (IoT).
We support start-ups with smart-home approaches to gas safety and cloud based solutions to network management. Because we believe many future solutions for the utility industries will be in the domain of the IoT, we are building the support platform for these services. EEI enjoys membership and actively participates with numerous technical organizations and standardization bodies globally. EEI partners with internationally recognized testing and certification laboratories to insure that worldwide gas technologies comply with safety and performance standards in the host country.
Collaboration and memberships through various industry forums and organizations has allowed EEI to stay abreast of the latest in technology developments and new products. This gives EEI the essential tools to support innovation breakthroughs and strategies for commercial success. With our proven track record, globally recognized energy R&D institutes have entrusted EEI to manage their collaborative programs with international leaders in energy innovation. EEI’s leadership paved the way for the first-ever membership of a European energy utility in North America’s leading gas utility innovation program, Gas Technology Institute’s Operation Technology Development, LLC.

Moving a technology innovation to commercialization requires many interactions, with the developer, manufacturer, commercializer and end users. Once beta-testing is complete and the proof of concept is validated, the road to commercialization begins. There is no single roadmap to bring great technologies to market. It requires evaluating the all various “routes” that must be taken. We will work with you to ensure that the path chosen is in sync with your end goals, milestones and timelines. EEI’s experts will work with the client to market their product, but only after a solid product offering can be developed. EEI’s network of industry contacts will aid in bringing the technology to commercialization as quickly as possible.
EEI is currently working with various companies, organizations and investors throughout the world to reduce the time it takes for commercialization. EEI is well positioned to act as an interface and enabler to bring technology solutions to your company.