EEI’s expertise can help the end users of natural gas, electric power or petroleum products. In today’s economy, keeping energy costs down while optimizing energy utilization can be taxing at times. EEI can work with you to optimize your energy bill.
Cap-and-trade emissions trading, feed-in tariffs, “smart grid” systems: these are a few of the initiatives and innovations that have emerged as our society collectively seeks solutions to reduce greenhouse gases. At EEI, we support our clients by conducting an assessment of your current energy portfolio and what you can do to better optimize your energy costs.
Renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, hydro and geothermal are receiving a great deal of focus since they are a clean and inexhaustible form of energy.

As an Energy Service Consultant, EEI is constantly aware of the advances in technologies as they pertain to energy usage. We understand the various forms of distributed generation, net metering and energy monitoring. We can provide insights from both sides of the smart meter.
Renewable Energy sources like solar PV are undergoing constant and rapid change. EEI can help you navigate through the various options and scenarios to make informed choices. We also understand the technology within the home including home area networks, in-home devices. EEI’s worldwide projects provide us with firsthand knowledge and insight to ensure that our clients receive custom-tailored, renewable and energy efficient solutions. In the case of working with properly developers’ or possible building purchases, our goals are to identify those factors within a building’s powered operating systems which can be retrofitted or upgraded so that successful investment decisions can be made.

EEI’s Renewable and Energy Efficiency Services division is a comprehensive energy service consulting offering which provides sustainable and renewable energy solutions to the Industrial and Commercial marketplace. These solutions are tailored for each client and can include: Engineering consulting, project design, project management/construction. All efforts are strategically established on supply side energy management. The Commercial and Industrial spheres support markets like manufacturing, distribution, entertainment, houses of worship as well as service industries like the commercial grocer and restaurant business. In conjunction with our pre-vetted contractors, we provide turn-key comprehensive customized, low-cost solutions which will increase energy efficiency, aesthetics and comfort, while ensuring significantly lower energy demand costs.
Alternatives and Technologies

EEI has been involved with the advances in technologies as they pertain to energy usage. We understand the various forms of distributed generation, net metering and energy monitoring. We can provide insights from both sides of the smart meter.
Energy sources such as solar PV are undergoing constant and rapid change and EEI can help navigate through to make informed choices. We also understand the technology within the home including home area networks, and in-home devices. EEI’s worldwide projects provide us with firsthand contact with the most effective and successful renewable and energy efficiency technologies and to identify the factors can utilities and end-customers with key information to make successful investment decision.

EEI’s Renewable & Energy Efficiency Services mandate is help clients increase profits and improve overall building operations. This is accomplished through project design, management and staging. In order to achieve the best building operating cost reduction and power cost-effective usage strategy, EEI employs energy efficiency applications which buffers the building owners or companies can use to control from continual Utility energy cost increases. Selectric rate increases and current: Simply put – Improve Bottom Line Profits by Improving Energy Efficiency!