EEI’s Renewable & Energy Efficiency Services mandate is to help clients increase profits and improve overall building operations. This is accomplished through project design, management, and staging. In order to achieve the best building operating cost reduction and power cost-effective usage strategy, EEI employs energy efficiency applications, which buffers the building owners or companies, to control continual utility energy cost increases. Simply put – improve bottom line profits by improving energy efficiency!
We present clients with a proactive and vigorous energy management system which provides real time information (tabular and graphic) displays that monitor and identify performance improvements. By providing clients with this kind of tangible data, we identify system operating issues, employee misuse of systems, drive significant cost savings, create competitive advantages for our clients and buffer energy price increases. The bottom line for our clients is that they will now have insights into their powered systems which provides for knowledge and understanding of their energy use, increased productivity, better staff engagement, and increased profits!
EEI’s expertise can help the end users of natural gas, electric power or petroleum products. In today’s economy, keeping energy costs down while optimizing energy utilization can be taxing at times. EEI can work with you to optimize your energy bill.
Cap-and-trade emissions trading, feed-in tariffs, “smart grid” systems…these are a few of the initiatives and innovations that have emerged as our society collectively seeks solutions to reduce greenhouse gases. At EEI, we support our clients by conducting an assessment of your current energy portfolio and what you can do to better optimize your energy costs.
In the U.S., we routinely monitor federal, state, and regional efforts—initiatives, incentives and legislation—to promote energy efficiency and renewable energy options. Providing clients with the options for available local, State and Federal rebates and tax credits is an integral service. We interact with governmental and regulatory staff, industry stakeholders, and companies that are actively engaged in energy efficiency and renewable energy programs.
We can advise on the best strategy for reducing your energy costs. The net effect is that you will reduce your energy bill, increase bottom line profits while simultaneously at the same time help in reducing the carbon footprint!
EEI’s solutions incorporate a global approach utilizing the best available and economical strategy for cost reduction strategies. Our Brussels office provides technology, regulatory and policy research on renewable energy systems and the implementation of energy efficiency efforts in Europe. There is international interest in the European experience and learning curve emerging from this new energy landscape. EEI’s extensive interaction with European utilities positions us at the forefront of innovations and best practices that are developing as Europe transitions to a low-carbon economy. In Japan, after more than 20 years of working with fuel cell technologies, compact fuel cells for the home are now viable and commercially available.
All of these represent investments with different costs and paybacks and some applications may work better than others depending on the exact circumstances and specifications. These investments can be costly, but in many cases there are offsets and credits that can be applied to help reduce costs and increase payback. There are many factors to consider and analysis can be daunting in this area.
It isn’t always about incorporating new technologies, but simply evaluating and assessing your lightning needs that can result in substantial savings for you as a homeowner, as well as for your business.
EEI has experience with these types of investments and technologies and we have provided research, education and advice in many areas of energy efficiency and will continue to work in this area.