EEI specializes in providing field and technical services to support your company’s electric power grid systems, whether transmission or distribution. We can provide stand-alone services or a range of services to complement your company’s requirements. We offer training and education in almost all areas of operations, construction and maintenance, as well as inspections, audits, training, field support, field consultation and process improvements. EEI has worked with a myriad of clients, including public investor owned utilities and municipal organizations.
Substation maintenance
Vault & Switchgear Inspections
Field audits of third party contractor performance
Field evaluations of engineering design
Transmission/Distribution Operator clearance support

EEI’s experienced inspectors are all journeyman Qualified Electrical Workers (QEW). They are available to augment your existing staff and seamlessly operate on your behalf.
- Conduct construction and facility inspections’
- Conduct inspections of substation and line equipment maintenance’
- Conduct civil/substructure inspections’
- Provide compliance inspections’
- Maintain accurate and precise inspection records’
- Coordinate governmental agency permits, inspections’
- Provide assistance for overseeing contract crews during emergency storm response and recovery’
- Assist in troubleshooting construction and operational issues’
- Assist engineers and their party contractors for access to electrical facilities’
- Provide recommendations with regard to inspection findings’
Quality Control & Audits

- Conduct on-site field audits
- Assist with preparing/updating records and field audit protocols
- Review records to ensure compliance
- Conduct job pre-audits to verify/validate work request, equipment, skill and material needs
- Conduct job post-audits to verify/validate work and records
- Provide recommendations regarding audit findings

- Complete/review “as-built” documents’
- Assist in identifying and resolving issues (phase imbalance, coordination of protective devices, etc.)
- Assist in facilities design (including transmission towers and underground transmission facilities)
- Assist in processing and reviewing work orders and construction drawings
- Assist in establishing, evaluating, and/or managing your company’s Service Reliability Program and Emergency Restoration Plans
- Verify material availability and assist in obtaining/expediting any lacking material
- Coordinate maintenance schedules to optimize/prioritize resources while maintaining compliance
Additional Support
Dedicated to Excellence in Energy Use Across the Globe

- Service reliability analysis and recommendations’
- Project management’
- Contract administration’
- Safety program review and enhancement’
- Critical evaluation of Emergency Plans’
- Permitting’